This is the Purley Beeches Residents' Association website.

News Items

Listed belows are news items or links to news items which might be of interest to residents.

Ash Dieback

Click here to: Make a donation to our tree fund to deal with the ash dieback.

To see a copy of letter emailed to residents click here.

To see April 2024 Newsletter.

To obtain a copy of the cheque donation form click here.

Did you know that you can report a problem with something that West Berkshire are responsible for via the web.  See link

Foundation of the PBRA

During the 1970s, the first residents on this Estate formed the Purley Beeches Residents' Association (PBRA) with the aim of safeguarding the interests of the residents and helping to preserve our green and very pleasant environment, inherited from the land’s earlier existence as part of the estate of Purley Manor. Issues which have been addressed have included housing density in both Skerritt Way and Purley Park, the perimeter wall, collapsing wall in Huckleberry Close, neighbourhood watch, tree maintenance, developments in Purley Park and the Thames Walk.

Three parcels of land were purchased by the Residents’ Association for the benefit of the residents, for a nominal sum, from the then builders. The land is held in trust and is overseen by three or four Trustees, who have to be living on the Estate, with the aim of ensuring that the land remains as open spaces for the benefit of all residents and that it is never sold off for development. Location of the three parcels of land the Residents Association owns.

A is adjacent to numbers 68 and 70 Hazel Road;
B is between numbers 8 and 10 Skerritt Way, bordering the Oxford Road;
C is at the end of Skerritt Way, behind numbers 30 and 35, and is known as Skerritt Wood.

Current Management

The trustees are supported in their responsibilities by a committee, which helps to undertake the general housekeeping of the association’s land. The committee meets about four times a year, generally producing a newsletter afterwards to keep residents aware of any issues or matters of concern regarding the estate or its land.

The committee also ensures the collection of the annual subscription, which is used to cover costs associated with the land, including maintaining the trees, which are protected by a Preservation Order, maintaining the sections of the flint wall boundary to the PBRA land along the Oxford Road and the public liability insurance. It also funds the annual general meeting of the PBRA, generally held in the autumn, and any other meetings which might be necessary to discuss matters of concern. In the past, the committee has been involved in organizing communal events, such as the Silver Jubilee barbecue, or Christmas parties for the children, although demand for this type of event has diminished in recent years. It still arranges an annual “Clear-Up” day for the PBRA land, although the weather can disrupt plans.

(Note: The maintenance of the flint wall boundary to individual residents' properties is the responsibility of the owner of that property. This is a restriction which is held against each property.)

The hope of the PBRA is that all households on the estate will become members , and participate to ensure that the PBRA land continues to enhance our surroundings and add value to our properties. However all households, whether members or not, are invited to raise issues concerning the Estate with any member of the committee, and will receive copies of any newsletters.

Send an email to PBRA


Barry Kochanek - 943 3819 Margaret Richardson - 942 3274                  

Committee Members

Barry Kochanek - 943 3819
Jill Brown - 941 2326
Tony Stener - 941 7143
Margaret Rolfe - 941 7247
Anne Ritchie - 941 2465 Jo Coombes
Margaret Richardson - 942 3274